Friday, May 25, 2012


Maturity. You don't feel this word until you face uncertainty or the situations that challenge the maturity you already have it. As long as you are in safe position or doing nothing or cowardly deluding yourself that you are in peace, you can't be mature. I felt this, as I was forced to uncertainty. I know and I read things how to act in those situations. But, I couldn't . I acted less logically with less sense, I can say. This is not aligned to my arguments.

Just read "The sense of an Ending" by Julian barnes second time. This book has created an impact. And made me think. He is right in many things.

I must face the situations or I must get practical counsel. I can get this word my experience not by just reading the principles and all other stuff. I remember someone's article regarding the importance of forgetting curve. We learn so many things or stuff but don't apply or implement. He argued that, you must implement and forget that and invent new one. This is the concept of forgetting curve.

Monday, April 23, 2012


I felt disturbed. Something pinching me from inside. And its compulsive.

I would have felt down hearted if I had not asked that money owed to me, again. Why couldn't I do that asking before? May be I'm shy. I used to feel like its prohibited dont-cross-the-lines. May be I'm that kind of a person who doesn't know how to say no.

I think I know now. I misunderstood the very basics of relationship between a relationship and money.
A relationship is combination of understanding and a mixture of emotions. I must not value it with money. But, what do the authors mean when they say investing in a relationship. How can I invest? I must invest love. As I have learned from Ms.Preeti shenoy(author), a relationship depends or a bond depends on how much love you give in. No matter what, I must express my love, in what way comforts me as possible.

Then, Time, Energy and Money are the available tools for showing love. Money is just a tool of showing love. I must not give whole picture to this tool alone. What is important is my love-showing-tactics.

I'm feeling good that I've asked my friend more frankly. He responded generously.

I can build relationship only by talking to that person not by imagining things. When will I change?

Oh, yes I can measure the strength of a relationship. It depends mainly on how much frank or open you are to that person in your context.

Talk and solve the problem. I'll change.